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Manage Your Team’s Workload

Manage Your Team’s Workload

Assigning projects to your team may appear to be a straightforward task, but in fact, it’s a critical and complex process. In many organizations, top performers are burdened with too great a workload, causing resentment. Meanwhile, struggling employees are...
Value of Training & Development

Value of Training & Development

Training may be the most obvious, but most overlooked strategy for greater productivity. Why? Training can be expensive, in terms of both time and money. Every hour employees are training they are not directly, immediately productive. Projects can be delayed. But if...
Lead by Serving

Lead by Serving

Asked to describe the role of their supervisor, many employees will say, “He tells me what to do.” This is a symptom of top-down management, in which employees are tightly controlled by management. People who stray from management’s rigid agenda are considered...
The Micromanager

The Micromanager

Have you ever had a boss who wouldn’t leave your work alone? Who had to rewrite and approve everything you did, no matter how small? Who was never satisfied with anything, ever? You were the victim of a micromanager. Like the name implies, the micromanager has a high...
A Sense of Community in the Workplace

A Sense of Community in the Workplace

Much of what we believe about management has its roots in the Industrial Revolution. The concept of the organization as a “well-oiled machine” with a rigid, almost military hierarchy, is leftover from a time when jobs were simple, repetitive, and mindless. In fact,...